Friday, November 25, 2011

Rice Krispy Turkeys

I found this idea on Pinterest.  I love that site and would recommend it to anyone for great ideas!
It was a simple fun way to get the kids involved in helping to make place cards at the table.  We didn't add eyes or a beak, but I really liked the simpleness of this anyway!
Rice Krispy Turkeys
  • Rice Krispies
  • Marshmallows
  • Chocolate for dipping
  • candy corns
  • white frosting if making eyes
  • Sucker sticks
Make your Rice Krispy treats in a 9 x 13 pan.  Once made, form into balls, we made about 17 small balls.

Melt your chocolate.  We used yummy See's candy chocolate bars, but any dipping chocolate or chocolate chips works.  Use a double boiler.

Dip the tops of your balls and then let firm up a bit.  Decorate and put onto your sticks.

We filled the cups with pretzels, popcorn and candy corn which looked very fall and festive.  The turkeys were a little top heavy, so next time I may add more candy corns on the bottom.  Write your guests names on the cups and they look super fun on the table!

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