Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pomegranate Mold (or Penny Jello)

This is a Thanksgiving tradition at our house!  My mom has been making this jello for a long time and this year Heather and I made it!
We have nicknamed it the Penny jello because when I was a kid we always ate Thanksgiving in the dining room.  We never ate in there but on special occasions.  My mom invited this lady named Penny over for Thanksgiving and we had this jello.  We were always told to have our best manners and you can say were sternly told to have our best manners!
So this year we were in the dining room having our best manners when Penny started eating the jello.  She proceeded to pick the pomegranate seeds out of her mouth and not eat them or eat around the seed or something.  She used her hands and everything in the dining room!  My sisters and I were all a little shocked to say the least!  We now can't eat this salad without thinking of her and laughing about the dining room episode!
It is a very good jello and a yummy way to use pomegranates!
Pomegranate Mold Salad
(source unknown, been made for years at my house!)
  • 1 3 oz pkg strawberry jello
  • 1 3 oz pkg raspberry jello
  • 1 small can mandarin oranges, drained
  • 1 medium can crushed pineapple, drained
  • 2 cups pomegranate seeds, about 4 pomegranates
  • 1 can whole cranberry sauce
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced
Dissolve jello in 3 cups water~1 cup hot, 2 cups cold

Mix together remaining ingredients in a bundt pan or jello mold or even a 9 x 13 pan.  Make sure to grease the bundt pan in order to get the jello out.

Pour jello over mixture and refrigerate.  We always make this the night before so it has adequate time to set up!  If using a bundt pan, you may need to soak the pan in warm water to get it to come loose!

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