Friday, January 15, 2010

Cinnamon Bread

We love cinnamon bread! It is good as toast, french toast, right out of the oven, and all the time! I found a super simple way to achieve this yummy bread! I recently bought mini cinnamon chips from Allison's Pantry and thought why not throw them in home made bread! It worked and worked really really good! My first batch I didn't add enough, this time looks pretty good! The only problem is I didn't measure! So experiment a little and enjoy some yummy simple cinnamon bread (but be careful out of the toaster not to burn your finger from the cinnamon)!
Super Simple Cinnamon Bread
  • Favorite bread recipe (I like my mom's bread recipe which is posted)
  • cinnamon chips

Knead all your bread ingredients together. Just as your bread is getting close to enough flour add your cinnamon chips and mix together. Take your bread out and knead a little bit more to make sure the chips are evenly distributed!

Bake your bread as directed and enjoy!

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