Friday, January 22, 2010

Blender Bean Dip

I made this dip last night for a Relief Society Activity. It turned out really good and is quite healthy for you! I didn't add the cilantro (because my husband can't stand it) and I didn't have cumin. So it was really simple, healthy and a great snack!
Blender Bean Dip
(from winhealth partners health link)
  1. 15.5 oz can of beans (red kidney, navy or black beans)--I used black beans
  2. 1 14.5 oz can of diced tomatoes, with chilies and spices added
  3. 1 tbsp cumin
  4. 1 tbsp chili powder
  5. 1/2 cup fresh cilantro

Drain and rinse beans and put into blender. Drain tomatoes and add to blender. Add cumin, chili powder, and cilantro (I didn't have cumin and Todd hates cilantro so I didn't add these). Blend to desired consistancy. Refrigerate until ready to serve. I topped the dip with some grated cheese too!

Serve with corn chips, tortillas, etc. Makes about 2 cups of dip.

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