Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tub Scrub

I am veering away from the normal recipe to give you a homemade non-toxic cleaning solution!
I have been impressed!
Usually you hear claims about how great something is and how great it cleans and often times it doesn't hold up to the claims!
This little mixture did!
Thank you Martha Stewart and I will now be buying bulk Baking Soda from Costco!  I also know you can add Baking Soda to your laundry to whiten your whites too!

Tub Scrub
(found on pinterest via
  • Baking Soda
  • dish soap
  • essential oils for smell
Add 1 tsp soap and several drops of essential oil (tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary or peppermint) to 1 cup baking soda.  Add just enough water to form a paste and scrub away!

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