Thursday, January 12, 2012

Egg in the Hole

I don't know what the true name of this breakfast idea, but we called it Egg in the Hole.
We had rave reviews at our house this morning and even had asking for seconds!  Super easy breakfast idea, one that I have had before but haven't thought about for a long time!  Just another idea if you find yourself in a breakfast rut!
Egg in the Hole
  • Bread (we used sourdough-YUM)
  • Eggs
  • Butter
Get a piece of bread and find a biscuit cutter or we used a drinking glass to make your center hole.  We toasted the center hole and had it as toast.

Butter your pan and place your bread in the pan.  Next, crack your egg in the center of your bread and make sure it fills the center.  Butter the top side of your bread.

When egg cooked, flip over and cook other side.  When done, serve with your circle toast!

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