Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spider Cookies

I found this idea on a blog, not sure which one but it was a great simple idea!  It is a little late for Halloween, but it will definitely work for next year or maybe if you were having a spider man birthday party!
Spider Cookies
  • Oreo Cookies
  • M & M's
  • Pull apart Twizzlers (red or black)
  • Frosting
Cut your twizzlers to the size of your spider legs.  Next push your legs into the yummy oreo centers.  I learned as I went it was much easier to pull the top off of the oreo and push the legs in the filling that way.  I then put a little frosting on top of the filling and placed the top back on.

Next 2 dots of frosting for the eyes and then place your M & M's on top!  You are done and the kids will love them!

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