Saturday, October 15, 2011

Man vs. Food Dinner

My family likes to watch Man vs Food.  We watch it often and like to see what he eats next!  This was not one of his food challenges, but a place he visited before his challenge.  It was a burger place that specialized in grilled add-ons to your hamburger.  We decided to try some of the grilled items and found great success!  My kids loved their hamburgers and the creations we made.  On the show they put it all in a bun, we went bunless and loved it that way too!  Just a new way to spice up a hamburger!
 Man vs Food Hamburger
  • Beef for hamburgers
  • Buns if desired
  • Grilled items:  Onions, Mushrooms, Salami, Egg, Bacon, or anything else you can grill.
  • Toppings:  Tomato, Lettuce, Avocado, Cheese, etc.
Grill up your hamburger and your grilled items.  Place all together on a bun with your toppings and prepare to enjoy!

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