Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Huevos Hyancinth

On Breakfast Wednesday last week we had the yummiest egg ever! I usually pass on the eggs, I like them but they are not my favorite! I would have to say yes to this egg!
I didn't make them for my kids, wasn't sure how they would react. They like eggs, but they also like things to look the way they should. Todd and I had these and they were super good and super fast and easy! Definitely something you could throw together in about 10 minutes, which would just about include your cooking time too!
Huevos Hyancinth
(The Pionees Woman Cookbook)
  • Butter for ramekins
  • Thinly slice ham, turkey, or any deli meat (I used Ham)
  • Tomato slices or salsa
  • Large Eggs
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Crumbled or grated Monterey Jack or any cheese you like

Butter individual ramekins, and in each one place a piece of ham. Top the ham with the tomato slices or with salsa or picante sauce (a couple tbsp will do). Gently crack an egg ove the top of each ramekin. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Top each ramekin with 1/4 cup grated cheese or crumbled cheese.

Broil for 2-4 minutes, removing when the yellow of the egg is still soft but not overly runny. It took me about 7-10 minutes to cook mine. I wanted to make sure the whites were done!

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