Friday, October 1, 2010

Homemade Cinnamon Bread

I made this cinnamon bread the other day and it was yummy!! It was simpler than cinnamon rolls and helped overcome a craving for the real thing! Next time I may try even making a little glaze to pour over the top of the bread!
If you have a favorite bread recipe, you could skip the bread making part and just see how the cinnamon and sugar part is done and still have super yummy bread (and great breakfast, snack etc. bread at home! It wont last long!)
Homemade Cinnamon Bread
  • 1 cup milk
  • 6 tblsp butter
  • 2 1/2 tsp yeast
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cups sugar (I might add just a little more next time!)
  • 3 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/3 cups sugar
  • 2 tbsp cinnamon
  • egg and milk mixed together for brushing
  • softened butter

Melt 6 tbsp butter with milk. Heat until very warm, but don't boil. Allow to cool until still warm to the touch, but not too hot! (very important because you don't want to kill the yeast!) Sprinkle the yeast over the top, stir gently and allow to sit for 10 minutes.

Combine the flour and salt.

In the bowl of an electric mixer, mix sugar and eggs with your paddle atachment until combined. Pour in milk/butter/yeast mixture and stir to combine. Add half the flour and beat on medium speed until combined. Add the other half and beat until combined.

Switch your mixer attachment to the dough hook and mix for about 10 minutes on medium speed. If dough is overly sticky, add a little flour at a time and beat again for 5 minutes.

Place bread in a warm bowl that has been greased. Turn the dough around in it so it is all greased up. Cover with plastic wrap (and spray wrap or my mom always covered with a clean kitchen towel!) and let rise in a warm spot for 2 hours at least!

Turn dough onto a work surface and roll into a rectangle no wider than the loaf pan you are using! (I made 2 loaves with my dough, I think my pans are not as big!) Now do your cinnamon roll thing, smear melted butter on bread and then add cinnamon and sugar, lots of cinnamon and sugar!

Next roll the dough up and make sure to pinch your seams together! Make sure you grease your loaf pans really well. My bread leaked a little and it was hard to get the loaf out! Place dough seam side down into pan and then cover and let rise for 2 hours!

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix a little egg with milk and when done rising, brush this mixture on the bread! This makes a great golden brown crust! Bake for 40 minutes on a middle/lower rack in the oven (my bread took about 30 minutes, so keep an eye on it!) Remove from pan and allow bread to cool!

Eat this yummy bread warm out of the oven, as yummy toast or even make french toast with it!

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