Saturday, April 17, 2010

Carmel Krispies

I was given this recipe a while ago, I think from Sharon. I haven't ever tried and decided to do it today! They are really good, but makes a slightly lower fat snack a lot fattier! But I will say they are super good! Next time I think I will half the carmel recipe and just put a little on top!
Carmel Krispies

Make Rice Krispy treats as normal


  • 1 cup butter or margarine
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup sweetened condensed milk (1/2 can or make your own from the powdered milk recipe)
  • 4 tbsp corn syrup

Cook, stirring constantly over medium heat, boil for 3 minutes and pour over the top of the Krispies. ENJOY!!

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