Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Perfect Cupcake Frosting and Filling

This frosting is one of the very best I have ever tasted! It definitely deserves the title of "Perfect"!! I tried it this weekend when we had a very special event at our house and I made cupcakes. I was a little nervous about experimenting, but it was a complete success!!
I didn't get any pictures of the finished cupcake, but I will say they were the best and there wasn't one leftover!! You wont be disappointed! Next time I am going to pipe some inside the cupcake, I can imagine that being really really good!!
Perfect Cupcake Frosting and Filling
  • 3 tbsp flour
  • 1/2 cup milk (whole milk works best, but she used non-fat and I used 1% and both were fine!)
  • 1/2 cup real butter (make sure it is butter, not margarine!)
  • 1/2 cup sugar (granulated, not powdered)
  • 1 tsp vanilla, or other flavor if you wish!

Whisk together the flour and milk. Heat in a small saucepan on medium heat. Whisk continuously until it starts to thicken. I think this is the critical point for any of you who have had problems with this recipe. I have a feeling people are under-cooking this part. Let it cook, while stirring, until it looks like pudding (you should be able to see the bottom of the pan when you stir it). Put mixture in a mesh strainer and start pushing it through the strainer into another bowl, I used a spatula. Even though it's thick, you can still push it through a mesh strainer. (she used whisked the mixture in the strainer to push it through) Then let the mixture cool completely to room temp. or chill it in the fridge. It needs to be cooled completely. If you don't let it cool completely, it will melt the butter and you'll have runny frosting.

In an electric mixer, beat the butter and the sugar for a minute of two until well combined and fluffy. You'll want to use the whisk attachment on a stand mixer. Then while beating, add in the thickened milk mixture and the vanilla. Beat on the highest speed you can get to without it spraying all over the place for 7-9 minutes. Make sure to set your timer and do this amount of time, she says this is where the magic happens!!

When it is mixing for this long time, it will change from a goopy mess to a fluffy white wonderful frosting!! Use it now to fill cupcakes or as a frosting on top!

One batch makes enough to frost 12 cupcakes with big tops (where you swirl with a pastry bag) or about 24 if spreading a little on top! If you have leftovers, store at room temp. in a well sealed container!

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