Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baking Soda

I was looking at an Alison's Pantry flyer and came across some info on Baking Soda. Anytime I can find something that makes it easier to get things clean or cleaner and costs less to do it, I am interested! So take this as a Food/Cleaning Tip for the day!

Baking Soda

  1. Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the wash when you add your regular liquid detergent for whiter whites, brighter brights, and better-smelling clothing.

  2. Instead of using fabric softener, try adding 1/2 cup of baking soda to the rinse cycle. It acts as a natural softener and is gentle for those with sensitivities to chemicals in their laundry. It also helps remove tough odors.

  3. Add 1/2 cup of baking soda with 1/2 cup bleach(instead of the usual 1 cup bleach) to your load of whites. Instead of using a full cup of bleach, using half baking soda will reduce smelly chemical odors and cut down on damage done to delicate clothing by the harsh bleach.
    Thanks Alison's Pantry for the great info!

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