Thursday, December 10, 2009

Scalloped Potatoes a.k.a. Funeral Potatoes

Everyone probably has a recipe for these, but just in case you don't here is one to try! These are Todd's favorite potatoes and I made them last night for our ward party and he wasn't even here to enjoy them! Marguerite gave me this recipe when we moved here, because I will admit I had never had these before until I moved here! They are super tasty and full of all that yummy stuff you try to use in moderation! So enjoy!!!
Scalloped Potatoes/Funeral Potatoes
  • 24 ounce pkg frozen shredded potaotes (thawed)
  • 2 cans cream of chicken soup
  • 2 cups sour cream
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 1 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • 1/3 cup chopped onions (I often times don't put this in!)
  • 2 cups crushed corn flakes
  • 2 tbsp melted butter

Combine thawed potatoes, soup, sour cream, cheese, 1/2 cup butter and onions. Pour into a 9x13 pan. Combine corn flakes and 2 tbsp butter and sprinkle on top.

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Serves 16.

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