Sunday, December 20, 2009

Brownie Bites with Chocolate Mousse

This chocolate mousse is the best, let me repeat, the best chocolate ever! It is definitely worth the time and effort, although it is very simple to make! It is definitely dangerous, I can be caught quite frequently after making it getting a spoon and dipping into the bowl!
I found this idea on Real Mom Kitchen. She did these little brownie bites, but put a different filling on top! I will post her recipe here and you can find the chocolate mousse recipe under desserts, posted about February!
They were a fun simple dessert and we put them on a platter and drizzled chocolate syrup over all of them and then even put some crushed candy canes on top! If you are looking for a simple Christmas dessert (or anytime dessert) look no further and try these!
Brownie Bites
  • 1 package brownie mix (9 x 13 size) or use your favorite brownie recipe
  • 1 (12 oz) package semi sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 cup whipping cream
Prepare brownies according to package directions, or make your own recipe.
Put brownie batter into greased mini muffin tins (she recommended using liners. The first time I made these I didn't use liners and they were a pain. The second time I did, but ended up taking the liners off. I also ran out of liners and did some in just greased tins and they came out better the second time letting them cool longer!). Fill tins half way. If you use your cookie scoop they fill up about perfectly.
Cook according to temperature on package or recipe for 12-15 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
While brownine bites bake, make your chocolate mousse (found in dessert section) or this ganache. Use a double boiler to melt chocolate chips in the cream to make a ganache frosting.
Allow brownies and ganache to cool (or mousse needs to sit in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes).
Frost brownies with ganache when the ganache cools to the consistency of frosting (or dallop on the mousse). For a holiday touch, sprinkle with crushed peppermint candies.
You can make about 24-30 or so bites!

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